GPT Games介绍
GPT Games是一款基于人工智能技术建立的游戏平台。用户可以尝试GPT编写的游戏,也可以自己编写新的游戏。GPT Games可以免费使用,用户注册账号后提供10K Tokens。在Tokens用完后,Tokens需要购买,价格为8美元每100万Tokens。
如何使用GPT Games
我们使用GPT Games进行游戏。GPT Games已经列出了一些热门游戏,我们首先选择bugs。Bugs是一款为程序挑错的游戏,系统需要我们选择对应的程序语言,并生成一段代码,我们需要发现代码中的错误。

我们选择Python后,GPT Games生成循环语句,我们发现错误后,可以打字和系统互动,从而完成游戏过程。如果我们输入的内容有问题,GPT Games会给出一定提示。当我们无法完成任务时,GPT Games会生成答案。

我们继续选择Escape Room游戏。这个游戏背景设定为完成三道智力测试题目,获得钥匙就可以开锁了。第一道题目是猜谜游戏,系统给出的语句是:
“I am taken from a mine and shut in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost every person. What am I?”
我们猜出答案是pencil lead。第二道题目是颜色和形状组合。
On the wall opposite the door, you notice a series of shapes painted in different colors. There are squares, circles, triangles, and diamonds, each in a different color: red, blue, yellow, and green.
Next to the shapes, there is a note that reads:
“Crack the pattern to find the next key. Each shape represents a number, and the colors hold the clue. Use the correct formula to determine the missing number and its corresponding color.”
The shapes and their colors are as follows:
Square – Red Circle – Blue Triangle – Yellow Diamond – ?

We have four shapes: square, circle, triangle, and diamond. Each shape is associated with a different color: red, blue, yellow, and green.
To crack the pattern, let’s analyze the given information:
The square is red.
The circle is blue.
The triangle is yellow.
Now, we need to find the missing shape and its corresponding color.
By observing the pattern, we can see that each shape is associated with a color that starts with the same letter as the shape itself. For example, square starts with an “s” and is associated with red. Circle starts with a “c” and is associated with blue. Triangle starts with a “t” and is associated with yellow.
Applying this pattern, we can conclude that the missing shape, diamond, starts with a “d” and should be associated with a color that starts with a “d” as well.
So, the missing shape, diamond, should be associated with the color “green.”
Now that we have the missing shape and its corresponding color, let’s move on to the next challenge.
在第三道题目中,GPT Games要求我们使用Caesar cipher来解密一段文字,我们同样依靠系统提示完成任务。
“Decode the message to find the final key. Use the Caesar cipher with a shift of 3 to reveal the hidden word.”
由于在问答中消耗量大量Tokens,我们没有测试编写游戏的功能。从我们参与的两个游戏看,GPT Games提供的游戏更偏向智力测试。
GPT Games中包含众多智力游戏,在交互方面比传统游戏更有优势。