Introduction to GPTZero
GPTZero is a professional AI text detection tool. It is suitable for ChatGPT, GPT4, Bard, LLaMa and other AI models. It can effectively distinguish whether text is generated by AI. GPTZero detection model is based on many corpora written by humans and generated by artificial intelligence. It has provided services to more than 2.5 million users around the world and cooperated with more than 100 institutions in the education, publishing, and legal industries.
GPTZero provides free and paid versions. The free version can perform preliminary text detection, and the paid version can upload more texts and has batch detection and detection feedback functions.
Related Post: Content Detector Detects Whether Texts are AI Generated

How to Use GPTZero
We use GPTZero to detect some text, first select the text generated by ChatGPT and run the detection. GPTZero gives us how similar these texts are to AI (98%) and flags which texts are more likely to come from AI.

We continue to detect composite content written by humans and generated by AI. GPTZero believes that 40% of these texts are generated by AI and the other 60% are written by humans. GPTZero also provides web extensions and APIs for users to use in different scenarios.

Currently, GPTZero has been used by many universities to detect whether papers submitted were generated by AI. The accuracy of GPTZero in document detection is higher than paragraph and sentence detection.
As an AI text detection tool, GPTZero is ahead of similar products in terms of actual effectiveness. We recommend users to use GPTZero.
GPTZero | The Trusted AI Detector for ChatGPT, GPT-4, & More