Introduction to Existential
Existential is an AI career advice tool. Users can provide some information related to personal interests, and AI will generate career suggestions.
Existential is free to use. Users only need to register an account and complete the questions asked by the AI. The founders of Existential hope to help users make appropriate career plans and reduce the mismatch between careers and interests.
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How to Use Existential
We use Existential to obtain some career plannings. Existential asks questions from multiple aspects, such as our interests and hobbies, our expectations for future work, as well as academic qualifications, work experience, etc. After obtaining this information, AI can customize and recommend careers that we may be interested in.

Existential finally recommended three careers for us, namely data scientist, research scientist and AI engineer. It briefly introduces these careers and gives reasons why these careers are a good match.

As an AI career advice tool, Existential can generate career advice for free.
Existential – Find Your True Calling